Crash diet works better without carbs

You need to lose a couple of kilos in a few weeks. The only solution: a strict diet with fewer than a thousand calories a day. You’re guaranteed to lose fat – but regrettably you’ll lose muscle too. Italian researchers wrote in the European review for medical and Pharmacological Sciences that they have found a way to limit muscle loss during a crash diet: avoid carbs and replace them with protein.

The researchers got 18 healthy but overweight participants to go on a very strict diet for 3 weeks, consuming about 700-800 calories per day.

Nine participants were put on a a lot more or less standard diet: the energy was derived for 35-40 percent from fat, 15-20 percent from carbohydrates and the remaining 40-50 percent from protein. The participants consumed about Camiseta Rangers FC one gram of protein per kilo bodyweight daily.

The other nine participants were put on a low-carb diet, where the energy was derived for 35-40 percent from fat, 5 percent from carbohydrates and the remaining 55-60 percent from protein. half of the protein was given in the form of a whey supplement. The participants consumed about 1.4 gram of protein per kilo bodyweight daily.

The figure below shows the effects of the standard crash diet.

The figure above shows the effect of the low-carb crash diet.

The figure below compares the results of the standard diet and the low-carb crash diet. As you can see, the low-carb diet protected the muscle mass from breakdown. Both types of diet resulted in around the same amount of fat loss.

The researchers’ findings did not enable them to work out how a low-carb crash diet protects muscle mass against breakdown. They suggest that the combination of proteins and the lack of carbohydrates may cause an increase in the anabolic activity of growth hormones.

“Our pilot double-blind study showed that a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet was highly effective in terms of body weight reduction without to induce lean body mass loss, stopping the risk of sarcopenia”, the Italians wrote. “Further scientific trials are needed on a larger population and long-term body weight maintenance and risk aspects management effects of a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet.”

“As the full spectrum of metabolic effects induced by a very-low-calorie ketogenic diet is not completely Camiseta Crystal Palace FC characterized, new trials that are specifically created to examine the combined effects of genotypes and dietary intervention are needed.”

Very-low-calorie ketogenic diet with aminoacid Camiseta Brighton & Hove Albion FC supplement versus very low restricted-calorie diet for preserving muscle mass during weight loss: a pilot double-blind study
OBJECTIVE: Obesity plays a relevant pathophysiological role in the development of health problems, arising as result of complex interaction of genetic, nutritional and metabolic factors. We conducted a dietary intervention case-control randomized trial, to compare the effectiveness on body composition of two nutritional protocols: a very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet (VLCKD), integrated by an aminoacid supplement with whey protein, and very low restricted-calorie diet (VLCD).

PATIENTS and METHODS: The scientific study was conducted with a randomized case-control in which twenty-five healthy subjects gave informed consent to participate in the interventional study and were examined for their health and nutritional status, by anthropometric, and body composition evaluation.

RESULTS: The results of this pilot study show that a diet low in carbohydrates, associated with a decreased caloric intake, is effective in weight loss. After VLCKD, versus VLCD, no significant differences in body lean of the trunk, body lean distribution (android and gynoid), total body lean were observed (p > 0.05). After VLCKD, no boosting of sarcopenia frequency, according ASSMI, was observed.

DISCUSSION: lots of studies have shown the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet on weight loss; even if not know how to work effectively, as some researchers believe that the weight loss is due to minimized calorie intake, satiety could also be induced by the effect of the proteins, rather than the low-carbohydrates.

CONCLUSIONS: Our pilot study showed that a VLCKD was highly effective in terms of body weight reduction without to induce lean body mass loss, stopping the risk of sarcopenia. additionally scientific trials are needed on a larger population and long-term body weight maintenance and risk aspects management effects of VLCKD. There is no doubt, however, that a proper dietary technique would impact substantially on the reduction of public expenditure costs, in view of prospective data on boosting the percentage of obese people in our nation.


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